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12 years ago
Primary Health Care Institute- Iringa which is accredited by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) invites applications from qualified Tanzanians and non- Tanzanians for admission into the following programmes for the academic year 2013/14.Ordinary Diploma in Health Promotion
Minimum Entry Requirements
Eligible candidate for admission to ordinary Diploma in Health Promotion (NTA Level 6) must have at least Division III in Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) and Certificate in Health Promotion or Diploma in health or any health related disciplines including social studies such as Agriculture, Education, Social Welfare and Community Development
Ordinary Diploma in Clinical Medicine
Minimum Entry Requirements
Eligible candidate for admission to Ordinary Diploma in Clinical Medicine programme must have passes in Science subjects with a minimum of “C” PASS in Chemistry and Biology and “D” in Physics at Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) OR Form six candidates with a minimum of “E” in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Passes in Mathematics and/ or English language is an added advantage.
Certificate in Nursing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Eligible candidate for admission to certificate in nursing programme must have passes in science subjects at Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a minimum of “D” PASS specifically in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Passes in Mathematics and/or English language is an added advantage.
4. Ordinary Diploma in District Health Systems Management
The programme is open to health workers with diploma or degree in health or social science related to health working at public, private, faith based and Non-Governmental Organization. In addition eligible candidate should have minimum of one year working experience, preferably at respective implementation level
General application information
For diploma and certificate, applications will be invited until 14th September, 2013. The academic year starts in early October,
Duly filled in application forms should be submitted with the following documents.
Two passport size photographs
Certified copies of education certificates, relevant testimonials and other related credentials.
An endorsement/letter from the sponsor/employer or guardian confirming his/her readiness to sponsor the applicant.
The pay-in slip should be attached to the application.
Note:- Application forms are available at PHCI –Iringa, RMO’s office and can be accessed in the Institute Web site www.phci.ac.tz.
Admission Enquiries
Enquiries about admission into PHCI educational programs should be addressed to:-
The Admission Officer,
Primary Health Care Institute Iringa,
P. O. Box 235
Iringa Tanzanian;
Tel +255 26 2702143/2702633
Fax + 255 26 2702118
E-mail phci-iringa@phci.ac.tz
Web site www.phci.ac.tz
Leadership in Strategic Health Communication
The Primary Health Care Institute- Iringa was established in July, 1990 by the Ministry of Health. The aim was to respond to the National Health Policy objective to move towards self sufficiency in manpower by training cadres required in the implementation of Primary Health Care at all levels, but with a major emphasis on strengthening capacities and capabilities of Health Managers. Currently, the Institute provides a variety of courses with different durations.
Leadership in Strategic Health Communication
The leadership in Strategic Health Communication is making a difference in infectious diseases and reproductive health. It is an integrated approach to learning health communication. The health managers are required to identify prevailing health and health related problems, analyze the underlying factors, make priority and determine cost effective interventions. Also they are supposed to manage properly health data that is generated in order to make rational decisions in the health care delivery. Classroom presentation, discussions and the SCOPE computer exercise create a synergy that greatly enhances communication skills. The “P” process is six step communication frameworks that will be taught during the course
At the end of the module the participants will be able to
- Apply key leadership principles in designing, managing and leading strategic health communication programs
- Think strategically and apply evidenced- based approach to design communication programs
- develop participatory programs through effective listen to the audience
- Build institutional capabilities to develop self-sustaining programs
- Follow the “P” Process to build programs systematically
- Develop a complete communication program with SCOPEWEB, an interactive computer tool
- Enhance skills in conducting advocacy
- Use multi-media for messages that lead to behavior change
- Manage health communication projects that respond to people’s needs
- Apply entertainment-education method to reach a broader audience
- Improve interpersonal communication skills and face-to-face interactions
- Strengthen community mobilization skills with grass roots communication
- Emphasize informed choice in client-centered counseling and materials
- Attract corporate and media support to leverage communication program costs
- Evaluate communication programs to improve future performance
The course will cover the following key topics
- P-Process
- Communication Process
- SCOPE (Strategic Communication Planning and Evaluation) Software
- Social and Behavioral Change
- Situation Analysis,
- Elements of Strategic Communication
- Community Mobilization
- Entertainment- Education
- Audience Analysis
- Objectives and Message Design
- Advocacy
- Social Marketing
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Media and Campaign Planning
- Materials Development
- Interpersonal communication,
- Leadership and Management for Health Communication and
- Leadership concepts in Designing Programs for Change
An intensive learning opportunity for Decision Makers, Administrators, Health Educators, Program Officers, Donor Agency Field Staff, NGO’s and FBO’s Field Staff
This short course will employ lectures, discussions/sharing practical experiences as well as demonstrations
6.0 FEES
Course fee will be Tshs 350,000. This will cover tuition, stationery, refreshment and lunch. The course fee does not cover for boarding, traveling costs, medical expenses and other incidentals.
This course will be conducted at Primary Health care institute Iringa from ………
Admission Enquiries
Enquiries about admission into PHCI educational programs should be addressed to:-
The Admission Officer,
Primary Health Care Institute Iringa,
P. O. Box 235
Iringa Tanzania;
Tel +255 26 2702143/2702633
Fax + 255 26 2702118
E-mail phci-iringa@phci.ac.tz
Web site www.phci.ac.tz
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